Friday, May 28, 2010

Fri 28th May

A great way to start the day - a 2 hour cycle in the sunshine.
Sunrise here is 4.30am - there's no daylight savings. So out on the bike before heading to work.
No students today, just a day to work on reports. Only 9 days of work to go then holidays - yahoo!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

ah the weekend

Busy weekend.
Glorious sunny day on Saturday 21st May, on the roadie went down the peninsula and did 115km, home by 11.30am.
Spent the afternoon shopping and managed to hunt down a thermarest mattress, a down jacket, spare tent pegs and a couple of water proof sacs. It's all good - not long to go!!!

Sunday awoke to rain. Went out on the Centurion 700 Tourer for a couple of hours, since I have to get used to riding in all sorts of weather. Cleaned up the bike with a squirt of this and that to prevent the rust setting in. Living by the sea seems to make things rust in a flash.

Student reports all finished and now I have cabin fever, want to go out and do something fun but it's still raining.
Reading a book about a lady who cycles around some parts of Japan solo. I have lost interest in her adventures and want to get out there and have my own and besides she doesn't go to Hokkaido - where I'm going and where I believe it will be stunningly beautiful.

Happy weekend to everyone who gets to read this.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

16th May 2010

Over the 2 days we cycled 97km with fully loaded panniers.
Love the new bike.
Almost ready for take off on 12th June.

15th May Camping

Glorious dusk, evening listening to the waves.

Love my new tent, goes up so easily.

On arrival at the sea this piece of grass was selected as our camp site.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Oh, so beautiful in with the flowers. Dreaming of glorious camp sites to escape the concrete jungle I live in.

All the STUFF that will never fit into the pannier bags. Will have to be seriously culled.

The best map I can find in English!!!

The glorious new beast a Centurion Cross Line 700.
Tyres 700 X 35C
Gears 26 - 36 - 48. Rear 11-34
Components : Shimano Deore and XT
Front suspension 50mm with remote lockout.
Color : dark silver and black
Weight: 11.3kg

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cyclists paradise

Hokkaido is the northern most island in Japan representing 22% of
Japan’s total land mass and only 5% of its population. It consists of
one large island and 5 smaller islands. There are six national parks,
five quasi-national parks and twelve prefectural parks. Hokkaido is
blessed with arguable the most magnificent natural beauty in Japan.
Furthermore, the relatively cooler climate makes it an ideal get away
during Japan’s sweltering summer. There are four distinct seasons, and
no rainy season.

Camping is also available in many areas, and there have been many
reports of cyclists pitching tents on the side of the road without any
problem. One cycling enthusiast, who toured the country for three
months, reported being invited into people’s homes on several occasions.
With its vast open spaces, many cycling enthusiasts consider Hokkaido
one gigantic cycling course. The best season for cycling is from June to

Sounkyo Gorge (on Hokkaido, where I'm going)
This grand twenty-four kilometer gorge is one of the most awesome sights
in Daisetsuzan. Waterfalls careen off 150-meter cliffs creating a scenic
backdrop to the fiery autumn colors. The best way to explore this area
is by bicycle. The trip only takes about 2 ½ hours, but you are rewarded
with rock walls rising almost perpendicular out of the gorge and
spectacular views around each curve.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Testing the Tent

A stunning warm sunny day - finally!!!
Did a great cycle 118km, actually wore my short sleeved top - first time since I arrived.
Although I still wore my winter long cycle pants
Then I pitched the new tent.
Come June this will be home for 7 weeks - Hilleberg Akto - one woman on a mission!!
I'm excited - rock on the holidays.

Spring rain

Lots of spring flowers and I keep forgetting to get pics of the stunning tulips.

After the spring rains the cherry blossoms ended their short life carpeting the ground.

Wakame - seaweed harvest

Holly Thompson, author of 'The Wakame Gatherers' came to my classroom. During this time I learnt about Wakame and how it is harvested. Fortunately I then found myself riding in the region where the book was set.
This is Wakame. OK it doesn't look great but it sure tastes great - especially if you like seaweed!!

Coastal Ride

A glorious day out in the sunshine along the coast and down the peninsular. 118km trip, great training for the June adventure.