Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last Child in the Woods

Currently reading Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
An amazing books that discusses Nature Deficit disorder in Children and how disconnected children have become to nature due to a range of influences e.g. technology, stranger danger, time limitations, ease of access to nature, organized sport.

Sit Spot - desire to find a special place in nature where I can just 'sit' and 'be'.

A developing bond with natural world than can form a foundation for environmental stewardship p44

.....the quality of exposure to nature affects our health at an almost cellular level. p43

peace inducing elements.

p 57 Here you can hear things; in the city you can't hear anything because you can hear everything.

Seeking to find relatively undistributed tracts of land to use for solitude; seeking peacefulness, replenishing the soul, making connections to (flora and fauna) nature and rediscovering my freedom. An emotional refuge.

Organizers of nature activities should strive to make the experiences as unorganized as possible - but still meaningful.

- a mentoring adult who taught respect for nature.

That while knowledge about nature is vital , passion is the long distance fuel for the struggle to save what is left of our natural heritage. Passion is personal. Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young, it travels along grass stained sleeves to the heart., If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment we must also save endangered indicator species: the child in nature.

"Pay Attention" (not be careful)

"NSW had 'such incredible diversity and opportunity for adventure' that he no longer felt the pull of the travel bug," Henry Brydon

It's not the lanugage of painters,
but the language of nature which one should listen to.....
The feeling for things themselves,
for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.        Vincent Van Gogh

p353 Such organisations are recognizing that the human child in nature may well be the most important indicator species of future sustainability.

p355 the child in nature is an endangered species, and the health of children and the health of the Earth are inseparable.
kids daily green hour

Nature journal
kids outside info

California - Irvine Adventure playground outdoor, nature, campfire building, cooking, astronomy, gardening,
New kids must complete a safety course before they can take up hammer, nails, and build a fort. Adult must accompany kids less than 6 years of age.

This is a BIG deal! Why?
  • The Irvine Adventure Playground is one of only 3 such playgrounds in the United States. According to the NPR story, “there are roughly 1000 scattered across less litigious Europe.”
  • Unstructured play is essential to every child’s development. These spaces allow kids to build forts, play in the mud, and get creative with unstructured play outdoors!
  • Play opportunities at typical playgrounds are limited to the equipment provided. Here, play and imagination spill over into every corner of the park.
  • It will be open and staffed every day with a minimum of two people from 10am to 5pm.

Berkeley Hunting Beach - play in mud and build forts, pond with rafts, rope bridge, 'zipline; tire swing, water slide, and mud.

Respect the nature integrity of place

p292 'look at the world in a way that takes nothing form granted. Everything is phenomenal everything is incredible, never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed'.

Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. (magazine)
Book:learning with Nature Idea book

Pics from Mt Stirling walk to Craig's Hut in May 2016.

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