Saturday, January 30, 2010

oh WOW

There's another world under the ground at Yokohama Station

Gorgeous flowers


amazing chiefs

and food, glorious, food.


First time on the subway / underground train by myself.

Lucky it wasn't a crowded day.

Which way to go????

More Mail

Heren - apparently it says thank you for joining our gas company!!! Sure

The 2 faces of me!

My face froze last weekend on the bike ride so this is the plan for tomorrow!!!

The bed

Just because....

Oh, this is not in my apartment - it's at the shop!!!
I'm sleeping on the floor on a borrowed futon.

Sunday 24th Jan - Bike

With great excitement assembled the roadie and went for a 25km spin.


A big thanks to John and Chen for helping me move fridge, washing machine and other heavy house stuff - we forgot to take a pic of me driving the van!!!

My nesting.....

In all the craziness....

Itchy Feet 23rd Jan

The Kitchen

Thanks Angela for all your help

The new space - lots of morning sunshine

Saturday 23rd Jan collected keys, shipment arrived from Australia

The View

The Harbour View and bridge.

The beautiful red tree.

These huge machines.

Fuji and more

The construction continues.

The crepe stall - yummy

From my apartment I can see the stunning Mt Fuji - especially early in the morning.

A night on the town

The Chief thought we were doing such a terrible job of cooking the food ourselves that he intervened.
Of course the food tasted fantastic.
Great little restaurant - opposite flower street!!!

The proud Chief

Outside it was freezing cold.
Thanks Judith, Dianne and Rebecca for welcoming me to Promenade (my new apartment).


Each day on the walk to school from Promenade I go past this amazing construction site on the side of the cliff.

There's a policeman there and he makes sure not one stone is left on the road when the construction guys leave at the end of the day. They sweep and wash and sweep some more until he is happy :)

You've go mail

Fantastic my first letter. Yes I can read my name!!!

Following the instructions for a cup of tea.

As instructed by Sonya a glamourous pic of the Star Hotel Kimono

The slow road ......

Dear Readers of my Blog,
Sorry for the long absence. I haven't been successful yet in connecting the internet to my apartment and have been really slack in updating my blog. Way too busy at school to even think about blogging.
Ideally that situation will change soon and I'll get back on track.
There's so many interesting things happening here.
Please be patient and I'll get busy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Adds new meaning to walk the dog

Every second person is doing it this way.
The dogs have the cutest little coats to keep them warm.

Saturday exploration by the port

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hooray it's Friday

Is this what the inside of your body looks like????
(Double click on pic to see the details)

A great day with my Grade 1 class.

Hooray for the weekend, time for me to go exploring.....