Tuesday, April 5, 2016

6 Questions to Discover your most meaningful pursuits

6 Questions to Discover your most meaningful pursuits - from becomingminimalists
Discover Meaningful pursuits

Storing these 6 questions here so that I can refer to them often

1. What currently leads to most of my happiness and fulfillment?
Being outdoors, family

2. What concern or problem do I feel most compelled to solve?
Be involved with connecting others to nature, connect children to nature.

3. What would I spend my day doing if I knew I couldn't fail?
To work at a Nature School, to help nature school expand and develop the Primary school.

4. What do I get so consumed with that I forget to eat or sleep?
Reading and research Nature Schools, Forest Schools. Cycling, Bush walking location, Lotus, living a minimalist lifestyle, 

5. What does my perfect day look like?
Work at the Nature School, bush walking, cycling, being with family and friends, sharing and reflecting in the evening, eat healthy, laugh and smile, sleeping well.

6. What is one step I can take this week toward realizing my 'meaningful?'
Send an email to Nature school - done 12th April 2016

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