Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Without your health nothing else matters anyway

Joshua The Minimalist

Podcast 017 | Health | The Minimalists

 Is it possible:
Vegetables - avo, spinach, broccoli, green leafy,
Fish - grilled salmon
Nuts - Almonds
Black coffee
Herbal Tea
2.5 liters of water per day
Add a green drink

Intermittent fasting - eat twice a day at 11am and 6pm
No breakfast.

Vit B complex
Fish oil

Don't look at a screen after 7pm
Get plenty of sleep

Sugar - quit sugar
Lobster / crabs - bottom dwelling rubbish
Diary - cheese, milk, yoghurt (very small amounts once or twice a week)
Beans and Legumes if your body can process them.
Nothing processed or packaged
No fruit juice
Really limit fruit - blueberries are great

18 mins of Body Exercise - Push ups, Pull ups, Squats. 3 sets of each, work hard
Walk and weight training.
Do exercise before eating.
Only do exercises you like. If you don't like running then don't run.
Exercise reduces stress.
Variety of exercises to keep you fresh.

Be less stressed - be aware of the triggers of stress.
To combat depression, anger and sadness.
Most stressed out as we try to achieve, achieve and achieve. Change my priorities, change my focus, Lock yourself in the bathroom for 30sec  and pull stupid faces, jump up and down, grin and you will change your state and you will no longer be stressed. Change in your physiology.

Change diet, embrace healthy lifestyle.
Do not look at food as entertainment, food is fuel. Enjoy the people, be entertained by the people not by the food. 
Turn to food to power your body.
DO not turn to food to get you through tough times.

Declutter your health, relationships, passion, contribution, growth.

If you don't have your health you will not be able to enjoy the other areas. Diet and Exercise then sleep. Daily meditation.
Health is a vehicle not a destination. Take care of the vehicle that you have.
Health is a tool to get where we are doing.
Be the healthiest version of myself.
You can continue to improve the vehicle in which you are traveling.
Continue to grow to be healthier.

Throw kindness around like confetti.
Smile your designed to.
Talk about your joys, not about your problems.
A good laugh and a long sleep are the 2 best cures for anything.
Go outside and get some sunshine.

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