Sunday, April 10, 2016

Create the Weekend everyday - there's no such thing as bad weather!!!

It dawned on me - can I find a way to live everyday like it's the weekend?
What do I enjoy doing on the weekends?
cycling 60-100km
having a massage
mindfulness / meditation
catching up on emails

Then instead of living for the weekends, it would be the weekend all the time. What a great philosophy!
mountain walks,
sunrise, sunsets,
disconnect from technology,
reconnect to nature
swim in streams,
listen to the birds,

Nature School Port Macquarie

At some point in your day, or in the very least your week, aim to extend the outdoors notion by ensuring you’re also in nature…barefoot if possible!  Give your feet a proper stretch and wake up the muscles that are less active whilst wearing shoes.  Enjoy being connected with the natural world and take the opportunity to be fully present – smell a flower, feel the dirt between your toes and marvel at the intricacies of a leaf.
And finally…never mind the weather!  There is no such thing as ‘bad weather’,  just inappropriate clothing.  So splash in those puddles; let the rain refresh you, and enjoy the wind through your hair.
Elly McGuinness

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