Sunday, April 10, 2016

Choose Happiness and Follow your Dreams

- focus on what's important
- let go of what doesn't work
- break one bad habit
- learn one new skill
- forsake perfection
- choose happiness
- sleep well
- exercise 5 days a week
- eat fruit and veg daily
- drink more water
- quit sugar
- have hope
- hopeful of a relationship
- see the good
- choose to be kind over being right
- say 'I love you more'
- smile, breathe, laugh
- mindfulness daily practice
- no alcohol and soft drinks for 1 year
- reduce screen/internet/fb time
- travel with family and friends to get closer again
- spend xmas with family again
- join boot camp twice a week with group
- meditation/yoga retreat
- plank challenge often
- squat challenge often
- use skipping rope more
- evening sunset walks
- read more
- daily brain training
- seek a humanitarian paying job
- enjoy teaching
- 10-30 min planning and focus session almost every morning
- do more nature escape days to refocus and being creative
- study and learn more to inspire and give more
- wake up faster and do more energy breaks
- de-clutter house contents

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