Thursday, April 21, 2016

Decluttering progress!!

A note on my decluttering!!!
Since I let the bike go I feel an incredible mind shift has occurred. I am now able to go through my other possessions with greater clarity and determine which items are to be kept, which to try and sell and which to donate or toss out. It's weird that I should have this clarity and ease now, but it's here and I am happy to embrace it.

This weekend my goods will be for sale and I'm hopeful that at least some of them will go. Those that don't get sold....uuummmm..... I hope to find a place to donate them. The challenge the shoes and dresses is that I need to find a person just the same size as me, and who is willing to buy them. The shoes won't just fit anyone, nor will the dresses.

Lots of other Bric-a-brac for sale - jewellery, TRX, yoga mat, children's books, teaching resources, bike parts, tubes, bike stand, ornaments, scarves, etc.

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