Sunday, April 10, 2016

Goal Setting

Goal Setting – Health and Fitness
What are your goals for this year?  When we arrive at December 2016, will you be able to look back and tell yourself you’ve had a fantastic year and have made progress towards optimizing your health?  What would you like to be able to see, feel, or do?

In December 2016 I want to be able to look back and say wow:

* I made life changes to increase my connections to nature
* Each week I found the time to be outdoors - living and breathing fresh air
* Cycling, trekking, camping, enjoying the freedom and open spaces
* I took the time to declutter personal possessions to create more freedom with my time.
* The decluttering wasn't always easy but it was essential to enure my possessions didn't own me.
* I found many ways to let go, live a more simple joyful life.
* A life that I now have more control over.
* To be excited about each day, live in the present, to sleep well not surrounded by clutter.
* All that remains - items that bring me joy and have a function in my life.

 ** Then add all the standards goals -  find my balance between 65kg -70kg, work out most days, ride bike regularly, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods. moderation.

The first step to achieving something is to write it down and then make a plan to get there.  If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up someplace else.  Set yourself:

•    1-3 long term goals (6-12 months)
•    Break each one down to medium term goals (3 months)
•    Break these down to short term goals (4 weeks)
•    Set weekly targets to help you reach your short term goals – 1 step at a time!
•    Set daily habits and actions that will help you reach your weekly targets

They should be stated positively, be things you have control over and be things that YOU want, not that others want.  You must have a clear understanding of why your goal is important to you.  If you have a strong emotional driver there will be a far greater likelihood of success.

What a great idea - it's in USA - I bet Aust must have some of these. What about Beechworth.

"We're striving for that overall philosophy here as well," Brandon says. "Everyone's not just here to run a business - it's a lifestyle thing. All of the brewers mountain-bike, so it's an obvious match. And we're just in this little pocket where we really do get more than our fair share of blue sunny days, which is perfect for what we like to do."
The trails stretch from the Warby Ranges near Glenrowan to the town of Mount Beauty, at the foot of Victoria's highest peak, Mount Bogong. It's here that I begin my visit, on the Survey Track, with Sweetwater brewer Pete Hull.

"Originally the concept for the Brewery Trail was just about making people aware that there were breweries here, and that they could actually do a loop of them," Kraus says as we ride. "We were looking to find a link to cycling and we were well aware that on weekends, lots of our customers had already been out mountain-biking and they were coming in for lunch afterwards. It was already something that was happening and we were just wanting to strengthen that link."

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