Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 10 Monday 21st June 2010

565 km cycled.
A wonderful sleep. Breakfast with the family. Farewell as Haru goes off to school and Taka goes to work at the Post Office. I cycle off knowing how lucky I am to have meet such wonderful people. Although they think I am a little crazy cycling all the way to Wakkani.
Down Route 46, onto Route 274, then onto Route 3 destined for Yubari. I feel fresh for about 30 mins then start to slog. Stopping numerous times to eat and rest, hills. I stop to buy food, feeling very fatigued and when I go to pay I can't find my purse!! I'm really zapped, of course I find my purse and decide to find a rest place for the remainder of the day.
I reach Yubari and the melons look amazing however they are at least $10 each. The exchange rate is 77 yen to the AUD.
I camp up and stock up on food and water and eat a big dinner.
Tomorrow I have 100km to cover with no shops heading for Furano across the mountains. It was good to have a short day today in readiness for tomorrow.
Around 7pm a fox comes sniffing around my tent, didn't get a pic.
612km cycled.

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