Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 16 Sunday 27th June

Of course, I had camped on an ant's nest. During the night there was an ant slaughter!!!
Cycle away and climb up and away from Lake Shumarinaiko, great views, feeling strong and rested as I head for Bifuka Pass.
Fantastic downhill were I maxed out at 53km per hour - that is way fast for me with fully loaded panniers!! Smooth roads and almost no traffic on Route 275. Great bridges, lovely forest, trees, trees and more trees. Wild flowers. Heading for Teshiogawa Onsen where they have a campground. 400 y to scrub and clean and soak endlessly. An outdoor hot tub viewing the forest. Delicious dinner of prawn tempura and soba noodles. Slurping the noodles is a sign of enjoyment and appreciation so slurp away........... great sleep.

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